Frank Graage and Dr. Michael Ortiz

Next-level transfer: Skills and corporate development

The first Steinbeis Dialog@Adlershof discusses innovations in talent management and professional development

A new format for a new venue. In July, the recently opened Steinbeis House in Berlin’s Adlershof neighborhood hosted the Steinbeis Dialog@Adlershof, where experts discussed one of the key themes of our time. Talent development and the worsening labor and skills shortage are a highly topical issue in the business community and among the wider public. There is growing interest both in innovative education concepts in schools and universities and in talent management in businesses. Digital technologies like artificial intelligence and the Metaverse are rapidly transforming not only the opportunities but also our expectations of educational concepts and talent development.

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The parameters for adding value and corporate development are also changing, with connected service delivery in specially assembled ecosystems becoming increasingly important. But how can these innovative approaches become established in education and teaching and in a routine business context? And what opportunities and challenges are involved? The Steinbeis Dialog gave five experts from the Steinbeis Network the opportunity to share their views and experiences with guests from the Berlin network.

The presentations were followed by lively discussions in an inspiring atmosphere, as the participants engaged in a stimulating dialog. Summing up, Dr. Gargouri Ahmed stressed that “The challenges associated with transfer must be addressed at international level”. As a member of the delegation from the Tunisian National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion (ANPR), he brought an international perspective to the discussion and was keen to find opportunities to promote international technology transfer.

The evening was rounded off with a marketplace for the participating Steinbeis Enterprises and the opportunity to chat and network in a relaxed atmosphere over a tasty bite to eat.

And there’s more to come. The next dialog on “Talent Retention and Innovation Ecosystem Building” is already scheduled for 3 December 2024, with participants from a delegation of EU research and transfer managers and other stakeholders from Adlershof.

In his keynote address, Professor Dr. Mario Vaupel (Steinbeis University Professor, CEO of the Steinbeis Schools of Next Practices GmbH) gave an introduction to the topic of talent management and corporate development and shared his assessment of where Germany currently stands, not least compared to other countries around the world.

In his presentation, Dr.-Ing. Peter Schupp (Managing Director of the Steinbeis School of Management and Technology (SMT)) highlighted the importance of the project competence degree concept, where students acquire knowledge and skills in parallel to full-time work. He stressed the significance of this approach for knowledge and technology transfer, especially in the VUCA world and educational environment of tomorrow.

Sandra Pagaci developed the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Responsible Data Science at the Steinbeis School of Sustainable Innovation and Transformation. The Diploma combines the twin aspects of sustainability and digital transformation in business enterprises. In her presentation, she highlighted the need for qualifications in data-driven solutions in order to successfully implement these transformations.

The presentation given by Professor Dr. Dr. Helmut Schneider (Senior Research Fellow at the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute (FSTI)) gave an insight into a living lab for the research and development of sustainable value creation among SMEs. Building on the dual scientific research approach that focuses on producing direct economic and social benefits, he reported on the establishment of living labs to trial sustainable value creation scenarios with a range of different partners. He also described how these living labs work, the lessons learned so far, and the competencies required to run them.

Dr. Matthias Knauer, co-founder of TOPAS Industriemathematik GmbH, presented the #MOIN model region, where young talents learn about transfer concepts using industrial mathematics. Knauer explained that “The main aim of #MOIN is to promote transfer to industry”. Now based in Bremen, he is passionate about fostering public understanding of math applications, not least in order to spark an interest in STEM professions among children while they are still at school.

Follow the link for more impressions of the first event. Information about the second Steinbeis Dialog@Adlershof  will also be posted here shortly:


Frank Graage (author)
Steinbeis Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH (Berlin)

Dr. Michael Ortiz (author)
Steinbeis Beratungszentren GmbH (Stuttgart)
