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From staff editor to self-employment

Steinbeis helps founder start successful communications consultancy

The consulting market is growing. But that doesn’t mean that every business offering consulting services will be welcomed with open arms. Christian Gleichauf decided to venture into the world of self-employment when he started his own communications consultancy for businesses. Its instant success was in no small measure due to his thorough preparations. He received active support from Steinbeiser Holger Hagenlocher.

It’s a brave move to swap a steady job for the uncertainty of self-employment. After 20 years’ employment as an editor, most recently as chief business correspondent for the “Heilbronner Stimme” newspaper, 52-year-old Christian Gleichauf surprised many who knew him by deciding to become self-employed. He has no regrets: “I love my new job.” But all the right pieces need to be in place – and there are some things you can do yourself to prepare the ground.

Reaching the decision to become self-employed can be an emotional rollercoaster

At the start, the process of coming to a decision can be an emotional rollercoaster, as you weigh up the long lists of pros and cons. But not for Christian Gleichauf: “In the end, my mind was made up in just a few days.” The catalyst was a former colleague who had started his own communications consultancy for municipal authorities in 2020. “He was adamant this could be a good move for me, too. After that, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head”, says Gleichauf.

He soon realized he’d regret it if he didn’t give it a go – even though consultants don’t always get a great rap. “I didn’t give too much thought to that. Personally, I’ve known some very good consultants. I felt that supporting people in difficult situations and helping them find solutions would be a good way of using my know-how.”

Network provides a launchpad

Gleichauf’s existing network proved an invaluable aid when he started out on his own. He’d built up these contacts during the events, press briefings and countless personal interviews that provided the input for his articles. The fact that the articles reached a wide audience on LinkedIn was also a big plus. “Having that personal online visibility was crucial”, says Gleichauf. His strong network provided him with a launchpad for his switch to self-employment.

Professional support from Steinbeis

But there were lots of details to sort out and formalities to complete first. “The startup advice I received from Steinbeis was a great help right from the outset. My colleague had also found it really useful”, explains Gleichauf. In early August 2023, the soon-to-be freelancer applied for consultation vouchers through the EXI-Plus program, and three days later he was already taking part in the initial online session. He went on to receive one-to-one advice from Steinbeis consultant Holger Hagenlocher, who hails from the city of Singen.

Both agree that it was a perfect match. They jointly developed a robust strategy for Gleichauf’s new career as a self-employed communications consultant. Covering everything from positioning to approaching clients and the legal aspects, their consultations were never long enough.

From idea to brand: wortCraft takes shape

The launch date for the new business was 1 April 2024. Journalist Gleichauf had to work more than six months notice, and this transition period gave him time to make meticulous preparations. It took him a while to find a snappy brand name. In the end, he hit upon “wortCraft Strategie | Kommunikation”, a choice that concisely sums up the service provided.

Various legal matters also needed to be resolved. Moreover, Gleichauf didn’t want to start until his website was ready and the technology was running smoothly. And one big final push was still required to take advantage of the attention his change of career would bring.

Steinbeis expertise provides bespoke support

Gleichauf was very happy with all aspects of the consulting service provided by the Steinbeis experts. The initial consultation was followed by a basic package of four further hour-long sessions. He found the concept, expertise and practical focus all extremely useful. Steinbeis is a particularly valuable partner for business founders with specific requirements.

The proof of the pudding is that several potential clients, from SMEs to economic development organizations and venture capital funds, were quick to take up the service offered by the former newspaper journalist. As a result, even when his business had only been going for a matter of weeks to months, Gleichauf could proudly point to a busy diary and satisfied customers. The foundations for a successful career as a self-employed communications consultant were already in place.


Holger Hagenlocher (author)
Freelance project manager
Steinbeis Consulting Center Business Start-Up (Stuttgart)

Christian Gleichauf
wortCraft Strategie | Kommunikation (Obersulm)
