© photocase.de/Andreas Kreuzeder

Harald Herrmann Appointed New Steinbeis Trustee

President of Reutlingen Chamber of Craft Industries Stepping in for Rainer Reichhold

Welcome to the Steinbeis Board of Trustees: This year, Harald Herrmann started deputizing for Rainer Reichhold as a member of the Steinbeis Foundation Board of Trustees. The businessman from Reutlingen has been President of Reutlingen Chamber of Craft Industries since 2014.

Born in Reutlingen in 1959, Herrmann is a master tiler and business economist (Cham. Comm.) and has been a plenary session member and executive board member of Reutlingen Chamber of Craft Industries since 1999. He was appointed district master craftsman of Reutlingen District Craft Association in 2001 after originally setting up a tile-laying company in 1992.

Herrmann has fulfilled a variety of honorary roles since 1994. From 1994 to 2012 he was senior master of Reutlingen Tile Craft Guild, he has been a board member of Reutlingen District Craft Association since 1995, and from 1998 to 2001 he was already deputizing as district master craftsman. He has also been involved in organizations on a state level. From 1994 to 2012 he was a board member of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Tile Guild Association, and since 2001 he has been a board member of a state working group of district craft associations in Baden- Wuerttemberg.

Since 1999 he has also been a member of a regional advisory committee of the Reutlingen-Tübingen-Zollernalb Guild Health Plan (IKK), which he chaired between 2005 and 2011. Herrmann is a jury member for an innovation award bestowed by the Reutlingen Kreissparkasse (savings bank), which promotes innovative services in the manual trades.


Anja Reinhardt
Steinbeis Foundation (Stuttgart)