Gathering at the multifunctional heat storage: The official opening was attended by (left to right) municipal utility company CEO Christoph Schneider, Mayor Thomas Günther, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Michael Kellner, and Magdalena Berberich, Steinbeis Entrepreneur at the Steinbeis Research Center for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems. Photo: Stadtwerke Hennigsdorf GmbH | Dr. Kathleen Köhler
Gathering at the multifunctional heat storage: The official opening was attended by (left to right) municipal utility company CEO Christoph Schneider, Mayor Thomas Günther, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Michael Kellner, and Magdalena Berberich, Steinbeis Entrepreneur at the Steinbeis Research Center for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems. Photo: Stadtwerke Hennigsdorf GmbH | Dr. Kathleen Köhler