The focus of our Steinbeis Transfer magazine in 2024 will lie in REAL IMPACT for both our ECONOMY and SOCIETY. In this issue, we focus on the fascinating field of MATERIALS and their CONSTITUENTS. These are the very starting point …
Tag: top english
Innovation Systems
An INNOVATION SYSTEM represents the totality of all subcomponents and plays an indispensable role in successful innovation. But what are the key elements of a successful innovation system, and what role do MITTELSTAND enterprises – the SMEs that form the …
The new Mittelstand
The very term highlights the POTENTIAL TO FOSTER CHANGE and a COLLISION OF TWO WORLDS: NEW MITTELSTAND – the successful transferral of the tried and tested into the FUTURE while also exploiting opportunities to bring about something new. In other …
Technologies for German Mittelstand Companies
The MITTELSTAND – the small and medium-sized companies that form the backbone of the German business community – is quite rightly referred to as the ENGINE of the German economy. 99.5% of all companies in Germany are SMEs. They possess …
Managing risk – Shaping the future
The history of humankind shows that PROGRESS is not possible without RISK – as we are witnessing in current technological, political, and social DEVELOPMENTS. The greater the POTENTIAL RISK, the more important it becomes to know how to cope with …
Good Prospects for Education and the World of Work
JOHN F. KENNEDY summed it up nicely more than 60 YEARS ago:“There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than EDUCATION: no education.” His statement feels more relevant today than ever: The world is undergoing upheaval on …
Standing strong together – Network partnerships that add value
NETWORKS are as essential now as they have ever been, not just in our PRIVATE lives but also AT WORK. The GLOBAL DELUGE of information is making validated knowledge even more valuable. Networks provide such KNOWLEDGE, based on a forum …
Humans and AI – Intelligence in Tomorrow’s Artificial World (and Environment)
AI APPLICATIONS have long been taken for granted, even if the technology is still considered relatively new. Look into the facts more closely, however, and its beginnings can be traced back to the early 20TH CENTURY. IN 1936, Alan Turing …
Strategies for a sustainable economy and society
A sustainably oriented ECONOMY and SOCIETY lay a foundation for ensuring future GENERATIONS can enjoy a FUTURE worth living in. So far, so good. That is the IDEAL. But do we currently have the right strategic concepts to adapt and …
The ecosystems of the future – a major challenge
It could hardly be more challenging to meet the requirements of future ecosystems – not just environmental, but also business ecosystems, which will need to be sustainable for generations to come and make the future a ‘livable’ place for all. …
The Carte Du Jour of the Future: When Algorithms Decide What Goes on the Menu
Compared to previous generations, we expect the food we eat to do a lot more these days. Whereas in the past, food was primarily about ensuring we were satiated, today we expect much more – food should be HEALTHY, AFFORDABLE, …
Operation 4.0 – Data-Enabling in Healthcare
When KONRAD ZUSE unveiled the Z3 in 1941, the world’s first PROGRAMMABLE COMPUTER, nobody could have imagined that not even a century later, computers and the DIGITAL SOLUTIONS they have spawned would permeate almost every area of modern life. And …
Like most people, you’ve probably sat in a car or bus and wondered what it will be like traveling around in several years or decades. Getting from A to B without actually steering a car yourself, relying on a vehicle …
Running a business entails setting direction for the successful (ONGOING) DEVELOPMENT of business operations – at the right time. That is not always easy, since no-one can predict the FUTURE – but it has to be done. This is because …
Like “INDUSTRY 4.0,” one of the big catchwords of our time is “ECONOMY 4.0”. The two terms come from a different angle, but they both refer to the fourth stage of the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, relating to DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION and NETWORKING …
SUSTAINABILITY, a term many immediately associate with environmental protection, renewable energy, and recycling. But sustainability is about much more: Sustainable ACTION means thinking about the FUTURE IMPACT of what we do – so sustainability is omnipresent, dovetailing ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL, and …
Feature Topic: 15 years of the Steinbeis Foundation’s Transfer Award – Löhn Award
A look back (and forward) at winners and their projects
The Steinbeis Foundation Transfer Award – the Löhn Award was initiated and first bestowed by the Steinbeis Foundation in September 2004 in acknowledgement of the outstanding achievements of Prof. Dr. …
Feature Topic: Intercompany Transfer
Insights from Steinbeis experts into a variety of transfer processes
There is general consensus that successful knowledge and technology transfer is an important factor in business enterprises’ ability to innovate. However, there is less general awareness of the fact that …
Feature Topic: Life Science
Insights from Steinbeis experts into recent projects
The life science market is expanding worldwide. There are several reasons for this – demographic developments, increasing levels of chronic disease, and general growth in the global population. Personalized medicine is now considered …
Feature Topic: Diversity – A Society Undergoing Change
Insights from Steinbeis experts
Demographic change, skills shortages, increasing transnational business, the individualization of lifestyles, digital transformation, and the increasingly networked nature of the world we live and work in as a result of globalization: In the future, companies will …
Feature Topic: Digital Transformation & The World of Work 4.0
Modern life would be unthinkable without digital solutions. They shape how we communicate with our fellow citizens, our everyday habits, business processes, and company structures. They thus also shape the world we work in – our work environment. These developments …
Feature Topic: Lateral Thinkers
You can’t pigeon-hole them and they make many feel uncomfortable. Lateral thinkers often have a really difficult time in the world of work – where people think rationally and in straight lines. Yet their potential can be invaluable to companies. …