An interview with Professor Dr. Rainer Elste and Franz Speer of the Sales and Marketing Institute (VMI), a Steinbeis Consulting Center
For companies and society in general, it is crucial to become truly sustainable. The entire value chain must be …
Tag: Sustainability

“Selling no longer works these days without sustainability”

No Change Without Changing Yourself
Steinbeis expert Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Jähnert discusses sustainability and its role as a new leitmotiv of business and politics
Our economy is in the midst of a transformation process, primarily driven by the availability of digital technologies. But “going digital” doesn’t …

How the Circular Economy Boosts Innovation and Sustainability
Introducing circular flow concepts to the economy
Sustainability, digitalization, and resilience play a pivotal role in driving transformation – not only in the economy, but in society overall. If anything, the current pandemic has accelerated this process. The issue of …

Sustainable Supply Chains – A Key Prerequisite for Success
Steinbeis experts support the European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
Developments on an EU and national level regarding sustainability issues are unsettling for companies, who can only ask themselves what will happen next – will we still be able to run our …

Sustainability Must Be Lived Out and Believed In
The importance of sustainable development for the future of companies
Sustainable development means holding on to a future that is worth living. It is therefore more than just a mega-trend of the 21st century. It will secure the very survival …

A Regional and Local Approach to Sustainability
Steinbeis experts develop a regional concept for the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Global economies currently face challenges on three fronts – two megatrends (globalization and urbanization), plus the impacts of climate change. In many countries, business and housing infrastructures are …

The Path to Sustainability – Challenging, But There’s No Alternative
The future of our planet depends on structural, technological, and geopolitical change
In 1992, the Brundtland Commission, named after its chair, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, created a term that is still very much in trend today. It …

Turning the Spotlight on Sustainability
SIBE experts help develop future scenarios for South Tyrol
What will it be like in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige in 2030 – especially given recent experience with the Covid-19 pandemic? Will there be a return to traditional …

Steinbeis experts join forces with The Impact Farm and organize a sprint competition on behalf of two energy agencies aimed at identifying new ways to digitalize the energy industry
What do you get if you cross global trends like data-centric …

Potential solutions provided by a life cycle assessment of transportation infrastructure based on building information modeling
Transport infrastructure maintenance is an important task of local government: Roads not only have to be safe, they must also be economical to operate …

Steinbeis expert Wolfgang Natzke shows how sustainability and authenticity can take companies to the next level
The so-called fourth industrial revolution is radically changing many of the familiar things we associate with everyday life. A whole host of areas will …