Steinbeis expert Professor Dr. Helmut Beckmann supports SMEs with the process of digital transformation
Digital transformation in companies is a central driver of advancement and even drives the upheaval strategies, processes, business methods, and technological progress. However, more than half …
Tag: SME

The Technology Radar – Compass for Systematic Technology Management

“Networks are about trust”
An interview with Steinbeis Entrepreneur Wolfgang Müller
Wolfgang Müller has been an active member of the Steinbeis Network for over 30 years and is passionate about networking. Working through his three Steinbeis Enterprises, he helps SMEs become members of networks …

Becoming Europe’s Biggest SME Lending Platform – Thanks to the Support of Steinbeis
Teylor and Steinbeis – working together for success
The Swiss company Teylor has set itself the mission of bringing lending to small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) into the digital era by automating lending processes. To support this mission, Steinbeis became …

A Network for More Innovation and Internationalisation
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports SMEs in its role as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network
Its network of international partners allows Steinbeis Europa Zentrum to offer advice on innovation, internationalisation, EU proposal writing , financing, and access to new …

The EFQM Model – A Signpost to Success
The benefit to SMEs of monitoring the economic ecosystem
The term “ecosystem” was coined by the British ecologist A. G. Tanslye in 1935. It has undergone a number of changes since then and acquired a variety of new facets [1], …

Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, and Housing offers free concept checks to SMEs and startups
Do you run a business or are you a researcher? Looking for funding or a partner for an innovative product, service, or a new …

First industry convention held by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Industry 4.0 Transfer Platform
The Baden-Wuerttemberg Industry 4.0 Transfer Platform (TPBW I4.0) was founded in collaboration with Steinbeis with the aim of supporting SMEs in Baden-Wuerttemberg with digitalization of their value chain processes. …