An interview with Professor Dr.-Ing. Sven Friedrich, who is responsible for the Steinbeis Innovation Center for Engineering and Technology
Compostable plastics sound almost too good to be true. But will they really do away with that guilty feeling you have …
Tag: Innovation

“It’s not the material that’s the problem, it’s how we deal with the end product.”

“There’s no such thing as innovation without failure”
An interview with Stephanie Ecker, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Steinbeis Holding GmbH
The Steinbeis Network realizes the visions of the man to whom it owes its name, Ferdinand von Steinbeis, in the fields of business, technology, and education. …

“It’s about innovation through participation”
An interview with Professor Dr. Daniel Buhr and Professor Dr. Udo Weimar, Steinbeis Entrepreneurs at the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Social and Technological Innovation
When we hear the word “innovation,” most of us immediately think of technical innovation and forget …

Fostering a Culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Start (k)up. Ravensburg
A networking and support platform for young entrepreneurs, startups, and spin-offs
New technology combined with the entrepreneurial zest it takes to make things happen have always been drivers of innovation. What’s new, however, is the pace at which things are …

A Network for More Innovation and Internationalisation
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports SMEs in its role as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network
Its network of international partners allows Steinbeis Europa Zentrum to offer advice on innovation, internationalisation, EU proposal writing , financing, and access to new …

Working Successfully in Innovation Partnerships and Networks
The Steinbeis Consulting Center Co-Innovation Academy provides training in “co-innovation skills”
Innovation levels, market introductions, project standards, and the quality of collaboration are key success factors for innovation partnerships. To safeguard these factors, the Steinbeis Consulting Center Co-Innovation Academy and …

Go-ahead for the SIAT Initiative
Steinbeis experts co-develop an innovation and staff training network
Innovation and training must go hand in hand – a key factor recognized by a consortium including the Institute for Effective Management, a Steinbeis Consulting Center. Together, the stakeholders want to …

Those Who Want to Go Far, Go Together
Steinbeis experts support the LEONARDO Center for Creativity and Innovation with the planning and organization of knowledge transfer during the process of innovation
Our economic systems and society thrive on a continual supply of new ideas. The best ones lead …

A New and Sustainable Understanding of Innovation
Steinbeis experts help companies to (re)think frugally
Innovative products, innovative concepts, innovative thinking. Innovation has become one of those magic words of modern business processes, a concept that – applied rigorously – will apparently never fail to result in growth …

Lifetime Contributions to “Best Promotion of Innovation”
Professor Johann Löhn and Steinbeis Foundation honored with the Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille
On May 5, 2021, Germany’s oldest innovation award, the Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille, was presented in four categories. This year, the award for Best Promotion of Innovation went to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. …

“It’s important that every individual is given a chance to get to know a technology”
An interview with Stefan Lob, CEO of Praxis für Führung – X.0 GmbH
It’s no secret that despite the opportunities offered by new technology, some people fundamentally distrust it. Even if many people would not feel averse to innovation in …

Steinbeis experts help medium-sized business standardize its PLM
Managing and administering data can be quite challenging, especially if you have to deal with the rapid kind of growth witnessed in new target markets in Asia and Europe, which make it …

Specialists at bwcon help medium-sized enterprise with the "innovation learning journey"
Small and medium-sized enterprises are often confronted by seemingly insurmountable hurdles when they embark on or try to establish innovation processes, especially if their operations are already up and …