Steinbeis helps medium-sized enterprise with the ISO 9001 certification process
Graf-Syteco GmbH & Co. KG, a traditional company from the Baden-Württemberg city of Tuningen, has been an expert in operation and control technology for more than 30 years. It places …

Room for Innovation – Change makes Progress Possible

Premiere for latest ECC Research Software Module
Tool now also makes it possible to conduct studies
A software module called ECC Research made its premiere at this year’s Steinbeis day, with visitors from the Steinbeis Network invited to a workshop to take a first look at the …

The Risk of Bankruptcy: Liability and Risk of Penalty
A look back at the 23rd Steinbeis Consulting Forum
A consulting session reveals that a company has liquidity gaps that could threaten its very survival – gaps that probably cannot be closed. Suddenly, the client and the consultant find themselves …

Keeping Tabs on Biogas Yields
Steinbeis develops biomass carousel as part of ZIM project
When biomass ferments, it produces biogas. Until now, determining biogas yields resulting from fermentation has involved a great deal of manual effort and time. Biogas yields were ascertained by hand using …

How to Make Integration Work
Steinbeis University Berlin helps refugees get a foot in the door on the German employment market
There has been very slow progress in integrating refugees into the employment market, even for those who come to Germany with a university degree. …

When Personal Development Grinds to a Halt
Steinbeis Consulting Center helps with change initiatives by providing a transformation map
If you want to set up a business, you need to make changes. But at some point the company is set up and things settle down at home, …

Steinbeis Guides SMEs Through the Patent Jungle
IP4SME – an online platform for evaluating and applying intellectual property rights for SMEs The experts at Know-How + Transfer, a Steinbeis Innovation Center in Villingen-Schwenningen, have set up an international website to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with …

Ensuring safety of modern fiber-nanomaterials
Steinbeis R-Tech is a partner of EU-funded project called BIO4SELF
In 2016, the EU launched a Horizon 2020 project called BIO4SELF with the aim of developing self-reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites able to offer superior mechanical performance compared to current …

Fluids on Structured Surfaces and in Porous Structures
Steinbeis experts develop simulation software
Wetting and fluid spread on structured surfaces and in cellular porous media play a central role in a wide spectrum of applications used for a variety of different materials. A new software package developed at …

Communication Platform Revolving Around Smart Components
SEZ coordinates international network
Smart industrial components refer to elements, modules, and tools that enable the digitalization of manufacturing processes, as captured by the term used frequently in Germany: Industry 4.0. Key features of such components include their connectivity and …

Smart Stacking – a Handling System for Quickly Producing Laminates
Steinbeis acts as research partner on the processing of preformed thermoplastic materials
Developing production processes for modern composite components that work well with lightweight materials is becoming more and more important in business – not just for environmental reasons, but …

Using Coatings to add Pressure
Steinbeis works with manufacturing partner to develop rough surfaces on extrusion bushes
Extruders are devices used to pass solid, viscous, and liquid materials through tubes based on a coil principle. The materials are pushed through different temperature zones under high …

Life Phases and Competence-based Career Path Planning
Steinbeis Transfer Institute certifies further education for employability project
Since January 2014, the machine tool producer and laser specialist Trumpf has been working on a concept to promote career planning based on life phases. The idea is to promote the …

A Meeting Place for Business: Networking at Alb-Schwarzwald Business School
Networking trade show takes place for third time in Rottweil
Lots of people say they want to innovate, but let’s be honest: how many of us really do innovate? No company that sits in a corner twiddling its thumbs will …

InnovationQuality Summit 2017
Event combines conference program and meeting platform
From May 9-11, 2017, Steinbeis, the aerospace forum Luft- und Raumfahrt Baden-Württemberg (LRBW), the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), and the National Industrial Association of Baden-Württemberg (LVI) are hosting the Innovation- Quality …

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. h. c. Eberhard Kallenbach
Steinbeis mourns the loss of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. h. c. Eberhard Kallenbach, who passed away in October after a long illness. He founded the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Mechatronics at the Technical University in Ilmenau, where he served …

Starting shot for the 2017 Baden- Württemberg Competence Award
Now accepting applications
The ability to innovate and high standards in companies are all a part of the global competitive edge held by the Baden-Württemberg economy. The Baden-Württemberg Competence Award honors outstanding contributions and achievements and provides an incentive to …

The Software Engineering Discussion Forum
TZM and Hanser organizing convention in Göppingen
TZM and Carl Hanser publishing are inviting people to a “Software Engineering Discussion Forum – Technology, Methods, Best Practice” on the Göppingen campus of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences on March 8, 2017. …

A Visionary Excursion
Steinbeis co-organizes trip to the Vision trade show in Stuttgart for schoolchildren and college students
It’s never too early to reach out to the next generation of managers and specialists. It was this thought that motivated six organizations to set …