Successful succession in the making – an interview with Professor Edmund Haupenthal, Ursula Schulz, and Hans-Jörg Bley
The fact that the name says it all is probably not too much to say about the Steinbeis Transfer Centre TOP: For 30 …
Category: Cross Section

“If you enjoy doing something it’s never a burden”

NetLog: Steinbeis NetworkDialog
Premiere of the new Steinbeis discussion forum
Also on Steinbeis Day, all Steinbeis entrepreneurs were invited to the first Steinbeis NetworkDialog, or NetLog for short. This new forum, which will be held annually in the future, focuses on dialog between …

The 2022 Steinbeis Network Event
Review and Impressions
Rather than raising the curtain, it was a case of finally opening doors again on September 30, and a large number of Steinbeis entrepreneurs responded to the invitation and came to the Steinbeis campus in Stuttgart. For …

“The Future of Hydrogen Is Green”
Steinbeis experts analyze the electrolyzer market
Hydrogen is considered an energy source of the future. Until now, producing hydrogen has almost exclusively involved using fossil fuels. This is for economic reasons. As part of H2 Districts, a research project commissioned …

NN-FAND: Understanding the Demand in Traffic Flows
Steinbeis experts use AI methods to analyze travel purposes
In the German federal trunk route network automatic traffic counting stations are installed which permanently record the number of vehicles passing certain intersections. These counts result in repeating demand profiles, which …

“There’s no such thing as innovation without failure”
An interview with Stephanie Ecker, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Steinbeis Holding GmbH
The Steinbeis Network realizes the visions of the man to whom it owes its name, Ferdinand von Steinbeis, in the fields of business, technology, and education. …

Effective Quality Assurance in Spring Production
Steinbeis Enterprise develops image processing system that delivers higher quality and cuts costs
Springs. They’re found in almost all areas of our daily lives and ensure mechanical parts move correctly. For example, you’ll find them in cabinets used as tension …

Careful! It’s Hot and Cuts Like a Knife
Steinbeis experts develop a plasma cutting torch for the thermal cutting of multi-material components
Materials development is advancing in leaps and bounds in a number of areas of industry, especially in the automotive sector, rail vehicle construction, and plant engineering. …

Successful Events and What’s Important to Create a Lasting Impression
Inspiration from the event team at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
Think about the things you remember for a long time and all have something in common: They are linked to emotions. Or to be more precise, deep-seated emotions. According to Paul …

If It’s Not Translated Into Action, It Has No Value
How to bring a corporate strategy of expansion into harmony with coherent corporate values
Based in Gottmadingen in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, CONRADYGRUPPE forms an umbrella over several cleaning companies in southern Germany and Switzerland. Its 4,500 employees work across …

Industry 4.0 Beyond National Borders
Moroccan students work on automation projects for companies
Students from universities in Morocco are gaining valuable qualifications and using cutting-edge German technology for industrial automation projects on behalf of German and Moroccan companies. It’s all part of an industrial practice …