An interview with Steinbeis consultant Rita Strassburg
To take the plunge or not – and become self-employed: What does it take to launch a successful company? And what kind of personality makes a good business founder? Steinbeis consultant Rita Strassburg …
Category: Cross Section

The Fine Balancing Act Between Visions and Actual Circumstances

All in a Day’s Work for Board Members at Big Companies
An interview with board consultant and Steinbeis entrepreneur Winfried Küppers
For Winfried Küppers, working as an advisor to board members and politicians offers one fascinating insight after another into the goings-on in the executive corridors of German business. The Steinbeis …

The Benefit of Experience
Research team at Steinbeis University examines a tool designed for analyzing the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises
In which areas does my company display weaknesses and what are its strengths? With the help of a free tool for self-assessment, …

International Collaboration for Industry 4.0
Steinbeis team and collaboration partners share commitment to innovative lifelong learning
Today, more than ever, our lives are subject to constant change – whether privately or professionally. Emerging technology, digital transformation, and not least the current pandemic are the kinds …