AI APPLICATIONS have long been taken for granted, even if the technology is still considered relatively new. Look into the facts more closely, however, and its beginnings can be traced back to the early 20TH CENTURY. IN 1936, Alan Turing …
Category: Edition 3

Not Much to Stick to
Project team develops a surface optimization method for use with pharmaceutical, food, and process technology
Surface finishes on stainless steel are significantly influenced by chemical and physical properties. Technical terms such as “hygienic design” are becoming increasingly important in sensitive …

Arable Land Assessments – Conducted by AI
Steinbeis experts help improve the agro-ecosystem in Africa
Artificial intelligence (AI) is used today in many areas. The Horb-based Steinbeis Transfer Center for Industrial Digitization is now even involved in one area that is literally a down-to-earth field: agriculture. As …

How Automating Processes Raises Productivity and Cuts Costs
Steinbeis student analyzes the automation level of a software release process
Improving the efficiency, speed, cost-effectiveness, and, above all, the quality of business and IT processes is increasingly becoming a key factor for future competitiveness. Automating tasks, individual steps within …

A Sensor Twin Enhances the Safety of Self-Driving Vehicles
Steinbeis experts develop optimized scenarios for creating robust phenomenological models
For the automotive industry, alongside electric vehicles, automated vehicles are one of the most important topics of the 21st century. To ensure the control units used in driver assistance systems …

Everyone Starts Small
From a controlled, scenario-based test model to a self-driving car
Whereas humans use their senses to recognize their surroundings, cars rely on their sensors. Future generations of vehicles will increasingly tap into artificial intelligence to interpret sensor data. This will …

Go-ahead for the SIAT Initiative
Steinbeis experts co-develop an innovation and staff training network
Innovation and training must go hand in hand – a key factor recognized by a consortium including the Institute for Effective Management, a Steinbeis Consulting Center. Together, the stakeholders want to …

What’s the Point? Discussing the Usefulness of Science
The Max Syrbe Symposium is streamed from the Heilbronn Education Campus
On November 3, 2021, a selection of “thinkers and doers” met up in the auditorium on Heilbronn Education Campus to take part in the Max Syrbe Symposium and explore …

“We’d like to offer SMEs the opportunity to introduce AI to actual applications”
An interview with Alexandra Fezer and Stefano Sbarbati from Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
The Vanguard Initiative aims to bolster innovation and industrial growth in the EU. Starting points for the project are regional strategies aimed at fostering intelligent specialization. This involves …

Making Decisions and Leading People with the OODA Model
How to lead the company strategy and operations in a crisis situation or period of change
The current pandemic, the supply problems it has led to, rising energy costs, plus the shift toward sustainability place a variety of demands on …

The 2021 Steinbeis Engineering Day: The Role Played by AIoT in Practice
How artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) creates benefits for business
The internet of things has not only found its way into our living rooms, industry is also increasingly recognizing the potential offered by networking between companies. Suddenly, processes that for …

Löhn Award Goes to the Masterminds Behind the Climate-Neutral District in Esslingen
Steinbeis experts develop energy and sustainability concept
Dedication to sustainability that thoroughly deserves recognition – on October 6, 2021, Steinbeis presented the team at the Steinbeis Innovation Center energyplus and its project partners with the Steinbeis Foundation’s Transfer Award – …

Predictive Maintenance – A Game Changer empowered by Industry 4.0
Steinbeis experts develop decision-making tool for analyzing the economic efficiency of predictive maintenance
The tools of smart factories (Industry 4.0) offer companies a number of ways to improve competitiveness and, at the same time, secure their future viability. The interoperability …

When AI Analyzes The Risks It Faces Itself
Research team investigates impact of artificial intelligence on data and information security
Over the last two years, the specialist press in Germany has published no less than 1,500 articles on the risk posed to companies by artificial intelligence. According to …

Visions of Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Just Around the Corner?
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Ertel outlines the potential scenarios of future AI singularity
A central theme of Origin, the novel by American author Dan Brown, is a form of artificial intelligence that kills its human inventor after weighing all the facts. …

“The biggest thing gender equality requires is a shift in our thinking”
An interview with Martina Schmidt, director of the Contact Point for Women and Careers in Ravensburg, Lake Constance/Upper Swabia
Equal treatment for men and women at the workplace – a goal that has still not been achieved in Germany. Like …

A Habitat for Digital Twins
A team of researchers from Mannheim expands the fundamental concept of digital transformation
How do I turn my physical product into a smart product of the future? This is the question many producers are forced to ask themselves when they …

“Realizing AI-based systems is just as important to me as understanding their consequences”
An interview with Professor Dr.-Ing. Cristóbal Curio, Steinbeis Entrepreneur at the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence that focuses on people, despite thinking like a machine – is that utopian or an entirely possible scenario for the …

Those Who Want to Go Far, Go Together
Steinbeis experts support the LEONARDO Center for Creativity and Innovation with the planning and organization of knowledge transfer during the process of innovation
Our economic systems and society thrive on a continual supply of new ideas. The best ones lead …

“Despite its superhuman abilities, compared to natural intelligence AI is extremely limited”
TRANSFER magazine speaks to AI expert Carsten Ullrich, professor at Steinbeis University
Sometimes it feels like the only opinions you hear about artificial intelligence (AI) are extreme opinions – it’s not often you experience moderate opinions. Some see AI as …

“Ultimately, the focus is always on people”
An interview with Professor Bernhard Humm, Ph.D., Steinbeis Entrepreneur at the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
The futuristic image some people associate with AI is that of an intelligent, humanoid robot. Yet …

Emission-Free, Carbon-Neutral, and Efficient: Solar District Heating Support Local Climate Protection
Steinbeis experts coordinate climate protection project to support the transition to environmentally friendly heating
Solar district heating combines two established and perfected forms of technology: solar thermal energy (“solarthermics”) and district heating. The general expansion of district heating and, in …