An interview with Wilfried Ludwigs and Olaf Kaspryk
The human organism is unable to clear perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) from the body – or only after many years. They accumulate and, above certain concentrations, can potentially trigger diseases. In the summer …
Category: Cross Section

“To This Day, There Is No Obligation to Test Drinking Water for PFAS”

Entering the Future Stronger and with Resilience
The Steinbeis+Akademie trains resilience coaches to act as company experts
Resilience – currently one of the most important aspects of coaching and therapy: Originally developed for prophylactic reasons to help individuals deal with domestic situations, it is now becoming increasingly …

Sustainable Supply Chains – A Key Prerequisite for Success
Steinbeis experts support the European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
Developments on an EU and national level regarding sustainability issues are unsettling for companies, who can only ask themselves what will happen next – will we still be able to run our …

“A holistic digitalization strategy is needed”
An interview with Andreas Owen, founder and managing director of wirsindhandwerk
When you hear the terms construction and skilled craftsmen, you inevitably think of the analog world of construction machines. But even the construction industry cannot avoid the topic of …

Safeguarding Municipal Authorities by Establishing More Digital Presence
Syntos, the Steinbeis Consulting Center, provides support with the development of a regional networking platform
As the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us, many small and medium-sized enterprises dependent on physical presence – stores or offices – can quickly run into …

“Until now, we’ve marketed the Southwest of Germany as a region rather than talking about the topics that will be important in the future”
An interview with Dr. Christian Herzog, CEO of Baden-Württemberg International
In April, the 2020 Innovation Index once again confirmed that Baden-Wuerttemberg achieved the highest innovation performance in the EU, an accomplishment Dr. Christian Herzog – who originally hails from Berlin …

The Early Innovators Business Plan Competition
Steinbeis experts promote entrepreneurship among young people by running a business plan competition for young Romanians
Biodegradable protective masks, wooden bicycle frames, telemedicine – just three examples of the multitude of business concepts developed by young Romanians as part of …

Coaching support program helps small businesses get off to a fresh start
Tackling realignment and business development with the help of Steinbeis expertise
In June 2021, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Tourism launched a new funding program under the title Coaching on the Realignment of Business Models for Small …

QualityCircle – A Conversation turns into an in-demand Software Solution
Two Steinbeis Enterprises support the successful development of a software-based planning tool
It all started with a conversation between Reiner Lohse, Steinbeis entrepreneur at the Göppingen-based Steinbeis Transfer Center for Technology and Innovation Management as well as Managing Director of …

Loss of Control During the Digital Transformation Process Factors influencing and shaping technology acceptance in Baden-Wuerttemberg
As part of a study, the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute investigates the impact of loss of Control on attitudes toward new technology among the general public
In 2018, the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute (FSTI) launched its #techourfuture initiative with the aim of …

How a Strong Corporate Culture Helps Firms Succeed with Digital Transformation
Steinbeis experts examine agile teams at SMEs as part of a pilot project
The Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute (FSTI), Steinbeis 2i, and bwcon have joined forces with a variety of business partners as part of a project called Agile Teams – …

#techourfuture – Interactivity Council Makes Technology Easier to Understand
Twelve experts with one goal: to make future technology relevant for the whole of society
In November 2018, the Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute launched its #techourfuture initiative with the aim of giving fellow citizens a chance to find out everything they …

Lifetime Contributions to “Best Promotion of Innovation”
Professor Johann Löhn and Steinbeis Foundation honored with the Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille
On May 5, 2021, Germany’s oldest innovation award, the Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille, was presented in four categories. This year, the award for Best Promotion of Innovation went to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. …