Steinbeis experts help companies to (re)think frugally
Innovative products, innovative concepts, innovative thinking. Innovation has become one of those magic words of modern business processes, a concept that – applied rigorously – will apparently never fail to result in growth …
Category: Edition 2

A New and Sustainable Understanding of Innovation

Strategies for a sustainable economy and society
A sustainably oriented ECONOMY and SOCIETY lay a foundation for ensuring future GENERATIONS can enjoy a FUTURE worth living in. So far, so good. That is the IDEAL. But do we currently have the right strategic concepts to adapt and …

“To This Day, There Is No Obligation to Test Drinking Water for PFAS”
An interview with Wilfried Ludwigs and Olaf Kaspryk
The human organism is unable to clear perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) from the body – or only after many years. They accumulate and, above certain concentrations, can potentially trigger diseases. In the summer …

Entering the Future Stronger and with Resilience
The Steinbeis+Akademie trains resilience coaches to act as company experts
Resilience – currently one of the most important aspects of coaching and therapy: Originally developed for prophylactic reasons to help individuals deal with domestic situations, it is now becoming increasingly …

Dear Readers,
This edition of TRANSFER Magazine focuses on the strategies of a sustainable economy and society – and thus probably the most pressing challenge faced by society, for example in areas such as climate change. Steinbeis enterprises have long recognized the …

“Selling no longer works these days without sustainability”
An interview with Professor Dr. Rainer Elste and Franz Speer of the Sales and Marketing Institute (VMI), a Steinbeis Consulting Center
For companies and society in general, it is crucial to become truly sustainable. The entire value chain must be …

No Change Without Changing Yourself
Steinbeis expert Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Jähnert discusses sustainability and its role as a new leitmotiv of business and politics
Our economy is in the midst of a transformation process, primarily driven by the availability of digital technologies. But “going digital” doesn’t …

Sustainably Optimized Infrastructure
Steinbeis experts share multifaceted know-how
Ambitious climate goals mean that it will be necessary to implement radical restructuring measures not only in the energy sector, but also in urban infrastructures. Motivated by this insight, in 2018 a group of scientists …

Sustainable and Effective: Venture Capital Investments in Companies with a Focus on the Future
Steinbeis consultants offer successful support during the series B funding round of a venture studio specializing in the development of basic technology
Innovation is crucial for any company, market, or society to move forward – the very lifeblood of growth …

No Green Energy Transition Without the Involvement of People
Steinbeis experts have developed a participation concept aimed at promoting public dialog.
In 2011, the German federal government passed legislation to put an end to the use of atomic energy. In July 2020, it was decided that using coal-fired power …

Simple, Systematic, Successful – Team Strategies with Sustained Impact
METEOR – a strategy providing useful tips on successful project implementation
Sound familiar? You’re working in a team on a new project at your company, or at university, or in the local community. To kick off the project, often a …

Carbon Footprints: The Path to Climate Neutrality
Low energy consumption must be worth it, says Steinbeis expert Jürgen Gackstatter
The shocking reality of extreme weather once again highlights the fact that the days of greenwashing are over (greenwashing: trying to look environmentally responsible but not actually doing …

“There’ll be colossal change!”
An interview with Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt of the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Marketing, Logistics, and Company Planning at Pforzheim University
Sustainability, industrial ecology, the circular economy, resource efficiency – topics that occupy many a day for the Steinbeis expert …

Climate-Neutral Construction and Renovation – All Made Possible by Building Standards
Steinbeis experts develop system standards for implementing the Green Deal
Significant progress has been made over the past 30 years when it comes to energy-efficient and resource-saving construction, with innovative products like insulating materials, which offer the potential to improve …

The Multifaceted Nature of Sustainable Development
The cliches of environmentalism have long given way to acceptance that it does offer value to the economy and society
In the 1980s, sustainability – especially environmental sustainability – was often considered tantamount to making sacrifices. Views have changed considerably …

“Costs don’t rise – if anything, the opposite tends to happen”
An interview with Steinbeis Entrepreneur and logistics expert Jens-Jochen Roth
In logistics, there are often only two things that really count: speed and low costs. Can this doctrine, despite everything, take us along a path of sustainability? In an interview …

How the Circular Economy Boosts Innovation and Sustainability
Introducing circular flow concepts to the economy
Sustainability, digitalization, and resilience play a pivotal role in driving transformation – not only in the economy, but in society overall. If anything, the current pandemic has accelerated this process. The issue of …

Sustainable Supply Chains – A Key Prerequisite for Success
Steinbeis experts support the European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
Developments on an EU and national level regarding sustainability issues are unsettling for companies, who can only ask themselves what will happen next – will we still be able to run our …

“A holistic digitalization strategy is needed”
An interview with Andreas Owen, founder and managing director of wirsindhandwerk
When you hear the terms construction and skilled craftsmen, you inevitably think of the analog world of construction machines. But even the construction industry cannot avoid the topic of …

The Many Things the Economy and Society Can Learn from Evolution
Collaboration, adaptive radiation, and occupying niches offer the potential to improve sustainability and fairness
Learn from evolution – and make economic and social processes more sustainable and fair. If we look back at how living systems have developed over time, …

Sustainability Must Be Lived Out and Believed In
The importance of sustainable development for the future of companies
Sustainable development means holding on to a future that is worth living. It is therefore more than just a mega-trend of the 21st century. It will secure the very survival …

Less Friction, More Efficiency
Steinbeis testing system helps companies optimize energy efficiency
Funded by the German federal government, the PROMETHEUS project aims to reduce friction caused by tribological contact in engines. Experts at the Steinbeis Innovation Center for Materials and Surface Technology in Friedrichshafen …

Smart and Climate-Friendly Cities in a World of Change
Steinbeis experts support the European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
The “smart city” concept offers a vision of urban life in the future. Based on this concept, an increasing number of cities are now developing and testing “smart” solutions, which they later …

Sector Coupling: The Next Step in the Green Energy Transition (“Energiewende”)
Viable concepts of the future necessitate a holistic approach to energy markets
Although many are unaware of this, in Germany the energy system transition to alternative energy sources “Energiewende” began as a solution to climate issues more than 30 years …

A Sustainable Approach to Application-Based Material Testing
Materials make a key contribution to the energy-efficiency of products
Materials are an important stepping stone on the journey to more sustainable process chains. Ceramics in particular are often underestimated, mainly because they are “invisible, but indispensable.” Experts at the …

A Regional and Local Approach to Sustainability
Steinbeis experts develop a regional concept for the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Global economies currently face challenges on three fronts – two megatrends (globalization and urbanization), plus the impacts of climate change. In many countries, business and housing infrastructures are …

Systematic Recycling
Systemic methods of resource-efficient management
The Green Deal marks an important move by the EU to do more in terms of sustainability: The EU Member States want to be climate-neutral by 2050. One important element of this is the circular …

The Path to Sustainability – Challenging, But There’s No Alternative
The future of our planet depends on structural, technological, and geopolitical change
In 1992, the Brundtland Commission, named after its chair, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, created a term that is still very much in trend today. It …

“We need to build a bridge between the gloomy and the good.”
An interview with Professor Dr. Torsten Schäfer, Steinbeis entrepreneur and an expert in sustainability and climate communication
There is broad consensus among politicians, the business community, and society in general that sustainability is an important issue. But noble words should …

The Path to Sustainable Leadership
Why leadership needs rethinking today – from the bottom up
The issues dealt with by managers have become more demanding over the years – leadership is now more time-consuming, increasingly challenging, and overall: more important. But instead of questioning outdated …

“We’ll need a different kind of currency for transportation infrastructure”
An interview with Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Stöckner, Professor Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Cypra, and Professor Dr.-Ing. Christian Holldorb, Steinbeis Entrepreneurs at the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Infrastructure Management in Transportation (IMV)
Being able to move around is freedom – something we are …