Focusing on the customer
We live in an increasingly complex world. Trends like digitalization and globalization are transforming the way we live, learn and work. Businesses are also coming under growing pressure to change, and need to find ways of …
Category: online

Design thinking in innovation management

Going circular!
Baden-Württemberg enterprises obtain funding to implement circular economy projects
SMEs from Baden-Württemberg achieved by far the highest success rate in the first open call of the EU’s Up2Circ project. Two of the four Baden-Württemberg businesses awarded grants of up to …

“In the end, what really matters is the company’s growth and development”
An interview with Hans-Jörg Bley and Mario Burić, Steinbeis Entrepreneurs at the Steinbeis Transfer Center TOP.
Businesses, and especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), currently face a multitude of complex challenges that include rising costs, precarious supply chains and the …

Sustainable technology transfer with China in the spotlight
Steinbeis SUTM head office opens in Beijing
Technology plays an ever more important role in business and in our private lives. The rapid rate at which technologies are developing – coupled with their diversity and growing complexity – means that …

Industrial Image Processing and Top-Tier System Integration
Steinbeis experts translate project know-how into practical solutions
Precision and efficiency are of tremendous importance to industry in modern times, as a result of which an increasingly vital role is played by industrial image processing. Steinbeis Qualitätssicherung und Bildverarbeitung (SQB) …

A Startup Takes to the Stage: Innovative Staff Retention and Company Cultures that Touch the Emotions
Steinbeis consultant supports startup project with creative approach to strengthen corporate culture
Steinbeis consultant Doris Deichselberger from the Steinbeis Consulting Center for Change Management and Business Coaching has been supporting a creative startup project. Arts company Norbert Eilts – Wortkino …

Mastering Funding – Through Good Management
Making better use of tax allowances for research – and boosting competitiveness
On January 1, 2024, the German federal government will significantly improve tax allowances for research through the Growth Opportunities Act, yet few companies are making good use of …

Turning the Spotlight on Alternative Sources of Protein
The first FutureFood conference in Anklam showcases innovations in sustainable nutrition
Advancements in alternative protein sources are of critical importance, especially given current food supply and sustainability challenges. Dealing with global population growth, climate change, and intensifying demands on resources …

A Breath of Fresh Air in the Construction and Building Industry
A Steinbeis project brings together startups and established enterprises in the construction industry
Forward-thinking startups meet traditional players in the construction industry – a combination offering plenty of potential, as demonstrated by the GROUNDBREAKERS initiative. Launched by the Steinbeis Center …

A Coach for the Coach
Steinbeis consultant provides pre-startup support to a coaching practice providing psychological and psychosocial counseling
Helping others to help themselves – the central task for Gunnar Keck and his coaching practice, Based in Waiblingen to the northeast of Stuttgart, Keck …

Enterprise Data Manager – Systematic, Efficient, and Future-Proof
Steinbeis experts co-develop a training program for technical experts and managers
To successfully transform into a data-driven company, it is important to use data like any other business resource in keeping with actual needs and sustainability factors. Against this background, …

EU4HEALTH: A Vision of a Healthier Europe
Team at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum provides support with submitting proposals and managing projects
EU4Health (EU4H), an EU program offering funding worth €5.3 billion between 2021 and 2027, is the largest health promotion program ever launched by the European Union. This …

Rethinking the World of Work – HR Expert Embarks on a Journey to Set Up Her Own HR Consulting Firm
Steinbeis Consultant provides support with journey into self-employment
What can be done to counteract the increasing shortage of skilled workers? And what can companies to do retain their most important assets – employees? In the highly competitive labor market, startups …

Independent at last: A journey through the (Covid-19) Crisis into Self Employment
Steinbeis consultant Doris Deichselberger helps business founder start her own design studio
Many people feel a desire to find fulfillment at work, and many associate self-employment with freedom, autonomy, and professional independence. But what does it take to fulfill your …

Can the Energy Transition and the Green Transportation Revolution be sustainable without Recycling?
Steinbeis experts offer advice on investments in battery recycling
Since the early 1980s, environmental protection, the transition to alternative energy sources, and the circular economy have increasingly become the focus of socio-political developments in Europe. The signing of the Kyoto …

On the Path to Rapid Success – SurFunction Continues to Expand
New financing partners support expansion of the xDLIP technology platform
SurFunction, the Saarbrücken-based Steinbeis company, is entering the next phase of growth thanks to support from two new financing partners. The funding, described as a seven-digit sum, will be invested …

Safely Completed! Events During the Pandemic
Steinbeis experts from Aalen University advise Kapfenburg Castle
The event industry is one of the sectors hit particularly hard by the Corona pandemic. Organizers are working hard to make events possible despite all the constraints. The Steinbeis Transfer Center Applied …

Working Successfully in Innovation Partnerships and Networks
The Steinbeis Consulting Center Co-Innovation Academy provides training in “co-innovation skills”
Innovation levels, market introductions, project standards, and the quality of collaboration are key success factors for innovation partnerships. To safeguard these factors, the Steinbeis Consulting Center Co-Innovation Academy and …

By Design or Disaster?
Steinbeis experts show how to make a success of transformation
Changes happen – all the time, all around us, repeatedly. Time and again, established industries come under pressure. Often, this happens when they are enjoying a hefty rise in sales …

New Opportunities for Innovative xDLIP Laser Technology
Steinbeis team and an industry specialist enter into strategic partnership to develop standard machines for novel laser surface functionalization
SurFunction, the Saarbrücken-based Steinbeis company, uses laser technology to create unique surfaces modeled on nature. To promote so-called xDLIP technology in …

Obituary: Honorary Senator Josef Pfeffer
Steinbeis mourns the death of honorary Senator Josef Pfeffer, who passed away on September 25, 2021 at the age of 83. From 1985 to 2004, he accompanied the Steinbeis Network as honorary Deputy Chairman of the Steinbeis Foundation Board. Josef …

The Green Management & Leadership Award 2021: Honoring Sustainable Companies
Steinbeis team acts as collaboration partner at the sustainable management award ceremony
Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen, the Steinbeis Transfer Institute, joined forces with other project partners to present this year’s Green Management & Leadership Award (GreenMLA®) to two companies: Rational …

“Innovate rather than copy”
An interview with futurist and Steinbeis expert Professor Dr. Heiko von der Gracht
Copies of brand-name drugs whose patents expired are already having a huge impact on healthcare systems around the world. So-called generics and their biotechnological mirror images – …

Building Back Better – Regional Economic Development after the Crisis
Steinbeis experts conduct survey on the perceived strengths and weaknesses of municipal economic development activities
The coronavirus and government measures to contain the pandemic were followed by a sharp decline in economic activity. Depending on how to measure it, it …

A Sustainable, Future-Centric Approach to Starting Again – Support Program Gets Off to a Successful Start
Steinbeis consultants provide support to people interested in setting up a business
A funding initiative called Starting Again – Sustainable and Future-Centric (Neustart nachhaltig und zukunftsorientiert) offers people interested in founding a company an opportunity to start afresh in their …

VEELIX – From Concept to Successful Implementation
Steinbeis experts provide advice on innovative education platform developed by IT startup
Education is a central factor in long-term development, not only in the economy but also in society in general. It is also key to safeguarding the competitiveness of …

Cybersecurity: Digital First Aid and Expertise in System Incidents
Steinbeis experts offer specialist training to SMEs
Whereas large companies and corporations have internal security experts to turn to in the event of an IT security incident, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have to fend for themselves. But without the …

#Techourfuture: Understanding New Technology – A Social Issue Central to Future Trends
Results of an assessment of the Technologie*Begreifen macro testbed funding project
On June 10, 2021, five external evaluators traveled to the Steinbeis House for Management and Technology (SHMT) in the Stuttgart district of Hohenheim to meet up with the #techourfuture …

Knowing How It’s Done – Making Systematic Use of Entitlements to Research Funding
Steinbeis consultant provides support with project assessments and applications
In early 2020, new options became available to take advantage of government subsidies for research and development. In addition to funding through departmental research at federal ministries, an alternative approach opened …

24 Hours Between Briefing Session and an Air Quality Sensor
Steinbeis expert Bernd Damkowski works up a successful concept at the RLP Hackathon
When the Rhineland-Palatinate Business Hackathon took place in November 2020, Steinbeis Digital Solutions partner Bernd Damkowski was among the contestants of the 24-hour event. By the end …

Enerthon 2020 – Success Across the Board
Steinbeis experts help redesign the world of energy
Even during a pandemic, climate change remains one of the great challenges of our time. One more reason for Dr. Christian Schweizer, entrepreneur at the Academy of the Energy Sector, a Steinbeis …

Digitalization Boost for the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Region
Pop-Up Lab stops by at the DigiTAL Schramberg event
From October 16 to 23, 2020, the seventh BW Pop-Up Lab made a stop in the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg region – for the first time virtually, due to current circumstances. Based on the …