For more than 30 years, Steinbeis TRANSFER Magazine has played a special role in fulfilling the Steinbeis Foundation’s reason for being of imparting knowledge: It shares it. Steinbeis Enterprises write magazine articles to illustrate the areas in which Steinbeis shares …
Category: Transfer 2020

The Packaging of the Future – Don’t Throw It in the Trash Can: Eat It!
Steinbeis experts launch ZIM network project looking into edible food coatings
Modern foods and beverages would be inconceivable without packaging. Although packaging protects contents and improves shelf life, once it has been used it has to be disposed, which places …

The Carte Du Jour of the Future: When Algorithms Decide What Goes on the Menu
Compared to previous generations, we expect the food we eat to do a lot more these days. Whereas in the past, food was primarily about ensuring we were satiated, today we expect much more – food should be HEALTHY, AFFORDABLE, …

“The priority has to be set on food safety”
An interview with Professor Dr. Christine Wittmann, Steinbeis Entrepreneur at the Steinbeis Transfer Center for Bioprocess Analysis in Food Production
Bio-foods, pasta made from insect flour, algae beer – before new types of foods even make it into the supermarkets, …

Turning the Spotlight on Sustainability
SIBE experts help develop future scenarios for South Tyrol
What will it be like in the northern Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige in 2030 – especially given recent experience with the Covid-19 pandemic? Will there be a return to traditional …

“Clean” Meat from the Lab
Researchers at Reutlingen University keep a close eye on animal welfare and environmental protection
Enjoying the taste of meat without killing animals – a research challenge that is more topical than ever. Shocking images from factory farming, scandals in the …

“Anything that will speed up plant breeding is a good option”
An interview with Professor Dr. Thomas Miedaner, head of the rye group at the State Plant Breeding Institute of the University of Hohenheim
Gene technology – are you for or against it? The ability of this question to divide people …

“All technology has to convince people by its application options and benefits”
An interview with Dr. Helga Gruber, research and development manager at Print2Taste
Have you ever stood in front of the cakes and candies in a store and wished that your own attempts to decorate cakes were even half as successful …

Digitalization Boost for the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Region
Pop-Up Lab stops by at the DigiTAL Schramberg event
From October 16 to 23, 2020, the seventh BW Pop-Up Lab made a stop in the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg region – for the first time virtually, due to current circumstances. Based on the …

Can Salespeople Push Away Customers?
Running sales professionally is the best way to show customers how much you value them, argues Steinbeiser Winfried Küppers
Sales-driven companies drive away customers – baloney, some would say, since sales departments attract customers. Precisely, say others, pointing to examples …

Small structures in focus
A research team from Mannheim develops measurement technology for assessing structural and material differences on surfaces
Whether a surface is roughly soiled is recognizable at a glance. However, this is much more difficult in the case of small and invisible …

Data Cooperatives: An Opportunity for AI in german SMEs
The Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institute designs a cooperative concept for the digital space
Digital solutions can be used to create replicas of real objects in a digital setting – for example in production – by creating a digital twin of a processing unit. …

Scrolling In on Usability and the User Experience
SME 4.0 Center of Excellence for Usability forms partnership with bwcon
Physical distancing during the coronavirus pandemic has made the presence of digital technology much more tangible in many areas of life. And one thing already seems certain: There will …

The Crisis is Over, or Maybe not…
The Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group has developed a cloud platform that makes it possible to manage in a crisis and provides optimal support
Covid-19 has probably been the most global pandemic there has ever been – by a long …

The Green Deal and “From Farm to Fork”: EU Strategies for Improving the Food System and Biological Diversity
Team at Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum provides support with submitting applications to the EU
By launching its Green Deal strategy, the EU is pursuing its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. The Green Deal is considered the most ambitious environmental legislation proposal submitted …

Mental Fitness – A Strength of Leadership
Steinbeiser Dr. Michael Ullmann works with managers and leading sportspeople on mental strengths
Attempts to improve mental fitness often fail because people don’t have a starting point in terms of tangible numbers or values: If you don’t know how you …

The Potential Offered by Second-Chance Entrepreneurship
Steinbeis expert Samantha Michaux talks about the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurial re-starts
Germany lacks a culture of embracing failure. Insolvency and failure are seen too little as an opportunity and instead more or less considered as a blemish. This …

Successful Digitalization – How to Improve Productivity and Quality
Steinbeis student develops a concept for digitalizing contractual procedures and invoicing
Companies have little choice these days when it comes to processes – they need to be as digital as possible if they want to remain competitive. There are a …

A Decisive Factor: Trust
The Digital Trust Forum fosters trust in digital solutions used with physical assets
With a growing number of smart and connected products now entering into the world of digital technology, issues relating to the information that is gathered and how …

From the end of the paper mess: The e-prescription as a game changer
Team of Steinbeis experts assesses the opportunities and threats of e-prescriptions
According to a study into digital healthcare conducted by the German industry association BITKOM, half of all Germans feel the healthcare industry needs to “go digital,” especially if mounting …

The Ultimate Challenge of Project Management
An interview with Steinbeis Entrepreneur Dr. Karen Dittmann and parsQube CEO Mehrschad Zaeri on the topic of hybrid project design
Constructing a hospital, introducing new software at a company, re-organizing a company division – very different tasks, but they all …

Operation 4.0 – Data-Enabling in Healthcare
When KONRAD ZUSE unveiled the Z3 in 1941, the world’s first PROGRAMMABLE COMPUTER, nobody could have imagined that not even a century later, computers and the DIGITAL SOLUTIONS they have spawned would permeate almost every area of modern life. And …

“I’m convinced telemedicine won’t be a substitute for visiting the doctor, it’ll complement it”
An interview with Angelika Walliser, general practitioner, surgeon, and head of Reutlingen Emergency Room
Have you ever consulted a doctor as a telemedicine patient? Or do you have your doubts about telemedicine? Do you see telemedicine as a good way …

Dear Readers,
More than a century ago, Willem Einthoven transmitted simple heartbeats remotely through a telegraph wire, laying the foundation for the development of a pioneering new discipline: telemedicine. Sensors are not just getting smaller and smaller, they now come with intelligent …

“It’s important that every individual is given a chance to get to know a technology”
An interview with Stefan Lob, CEO of Praxis für Führung – X.0 GmbH
It’s no secret that despite the opportunities offered by new technology, some people fundamentally distrust it. Even if many people would not feel averse to innovation in …

Restart Your Future – Success Nurtured by Networks
bwcon helps small and medium-sized businesses manage organizational transformation
Developing new areas of business can be time-consuming and is a drain on personnel resources. Yet it plays an important role in fueling growth and securing the success of a company. …

“People will only start to trust future technology if they’re kept informed, they’re educated, and they’re offered transparency”
An interview with Dr. med. Thomas Wüst, specialist for orthopedics and sports medicine
The key task of an orthopedic surgeon is to promote the development of the musculoskeletal system and to treat degenerative conditions. This task remains the same in …

Sensor-Driven Diagnostics: Immediate, Reliable, and Quick
Bioelectronic sensors play an increasingly central role in patient treatment
Each person’s metabolism is different, and thus the effect of a medicine on patients depends on the individual. In the future, it will be possible to identify the ideal combination …

Prof. Dr. Peter Neugebauer
Steinbeis mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Peter Neugebauer, who passed away in April at the age of 55 following a short but serious illness. As well as his role at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Peter Neugebauer was extremely …

The limitations of production
Steinbeiser Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kipfmüller discusses possible solutions to the crisis
Manufacturing has always adhered to similar rules, ever since the Industrial Revolution. Raw materials are taken and processed, using energy to convert them into products. The value this adds …

Big Data? Sure, Big Data!
Data in the healthcare industry – an essay on potential and challenges
Data are the raw materials of the 21st (our!) century – one of the most frequent things people say about big data. But what actually are big data? …