30 years of the Seifriz Award – the German skilled trades and science award
Year in, year out, the transfer award for German skilled trades and science highlights the interplay between the skilled manual trades and science. In fact it …
Category: Cross Section

Innovation Is an Acquired Manual Skill – From Ski Boots to Awnings

Digitalization at SMEs – Why Aren’t Firms Benefiting Properly?
Steinbeis experts provide advice on launching digital transformation processes within companies
German firms in the Mittelstand – the broad base of small and medium-sized businesses – believe digital manufacturing offers little benefit for customers; it is more useful for optimizing …

Straight from Research into Practice: Facade Components Revisited
Steinbeis experts at FiberCrete develop fiberglass- reinforced construction concrete
For a number of years, there has been an increasing tendency to erect buildings with curtain wall facades – exterior walls covered by elements mounted on the outside. This building method …

The Innovation Dilemma
Steinbeis experts develop software for achieving the right balance in innovation projects
There are two approaches to innovation that – purely by themselves – are not really an option for innovation-centric companies: exploitation and exploration. For innovation to be viable …

Consulting X.0 – Networking. Digital Transformation. Convergence.
A review of the 2018 Steinbeis Consulting Day
The transformation sweeping through society, business, and technology, which is especially noticeable when it comes to digital solutions, is not just having a fundamental effect on companies, it is also changing different …

Brain Stimulation
Steinbeis experts develop stimulator for researching Parkinson’s through animal experimentation
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the brain that leads to the progressive degeneration of nerve cells. A relatively new procedure called deep brain stimulation (DBS) involves sending electrical impulses …

Sustainable Fish Farming and Innovative Wastewater Recovery at Lake Victoria
Steinbeis is partner in the EU project VicInAqua, which supports knowledge transfer between Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Europe
Clean water is the basis for so much: food, the environment or agriculture. In view of the scarcity of water, wastewater treatment …

A solution based on combination, not standardization
SHB student assesses the pros and cons of combined gravure printing cylinders in production
Two thirds of German packaging producers describe themselves as under pressure from foreign competitors in their domestic markets – foreign firms are catching up with German …

An Overall for Emergencies
Steinbeis experts work with project partners to design a patient cooling solution that can be used anywhere
In Europe, more than 375,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest away from a hospital every year. Over 82% of all cardiac arrests in …

A Good Way to Drum Up Business
Steinbeis experts provide help with the re-engineering of a stainless steel drum
“We wanted our drums to be even more perfect.” This was how the managing director of BOLZ INTEC, Cornelius Mauch, describes his successful innovation project. The business leader …

Is the World of Work Forming a Chain?
Steinbeis experts examine the anticipated impact of blockchain technology
Within a handful of years, blockchain technology has transformed from a solution for computer specialists and cryptographers into a global phenomenon, now practically mentioned every day in the mass media. Horst …

Franciacorta Discovers How to Introduce Italian Sparkling Wine to the German Market
Steinbeis consultant helps entrepreneur with the launch of a niche product
What’s the best way to stage a successful market launch in Germany with a premium Italian sparkling wine that nobody has even heard of? This was the challenge Alexander …

Observing and Understanding in the Volkswagen Autostadt
Steinbeis experts make the logistics process easy to understand for customers
How do they get new cars to people? The pickup center at the main Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg decided to make its technical processes more clear and easy to …