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Starting shot for the 2017 Baden- Württemberg Competence Award

Now accepting applications

The ability to innovate and high standards in companies are all a part of the global competitive edge held by the Baden-Württemberg economy. The Baden-Württemberg Competence Award honors outstanding contributions and achievements and provides an incentive to tap into further innovation and quality potential. The award, which will be bestowed for the tenth time in 2017, is an initiative of P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG and the TQU GROUP, an enterprise from the Steinbeis Network.

The award is presented each year as part of the Control trade show, a specialist fair for quality assurance held in Stuttgart. The Steinbeis Foundation sponsors the award. The next award ceremony will take place on May 9, 2017. Companies and organizations based in Baden-Wurttemberg are invited to apply for the award by February 6. The award requirements are demanding: a strong entrepreneurial drive and innovative spirit alone won’t cut it. Instead, the award is bestowed each year on companies that successfully bridge the gap between innovation and quality, have integrated this into their daily operations, and can show evidence of outstanding results.