- Steinbeis Transfer-Magazin - https://transfermagazin.steinbeis.de -

Feature Topic: Intercompany Transfer

Insights from Steinbeis experts into a variety of transfer processes

There is general consensus that successful knowledge and technology transfer is an important factor in business enterprises’ ability to innovate. However, there is less general awareness of the fact that this encompasses more than transfer between science and business – a further form of transfer has received very little attention until now: transfer between different companies. Yet especially in times of networking and digital technology, this area is becoming more and more important.

For the focal topic of this edition of TRANSFER, Steinbeis experts look at this transfer process from a variety of angles. How does transfer actually work between different companies? What approaches are possible? What are the overarching conditions for this type of transfer both on a national and an international level? Our authors dig deeper into these questions. They also turn the spotlight on Steinbeis Micro Testbeds. These allow SMEs from different sectors of industry to develop new solutions capable of adding value by working in partnership with other companies and scientific institutions.

All Feature Topic articles of this issue can be found here [1].