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Feature Topic: Life Science

Insights from Steinbeis experts into recent projects

The life science market is expanding worldwide. There are several reasons for this – demographic developments, increasing levels of chronic disease, and general growth in the global population. Personalized medicine is now considered a megatrend in this market segment. And there are other trends bringing about a paradigm shift in this area, such as wearables, telemedicine, and mobile health (m-health). The modern economy would be unthinkable without digital technology, and this is forcing the life science industry to adapt accordingly. For companies, this trend means that they will have to accept the latest technological changes and adapt their business capabilities, research resources, and innovation systems. They will also have to match how they produce and sell products to current requirements, if not completely reinvent them. For the industry as a whole, the two most important factors in this regard are transparency and the safety of pharmaceuticals and data. In this issue of TRANSFER, our experts explain what these developments mean in specific terms for the projects being worked on at Steinbeis. Environmental toxicology, data protection, personalized medicine – these are just some of the many and diverse topics described in the pages that follow.