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Refresher Course on Practical ECC Skills

Steinbeis experts offer new training method

The Steinbeis Enterprise Competence Check© (ECC) is becoming increasingly popular among consultants, 100 of whom have now received ECC training and are thus qualified to use ECC methods for their consulting projects. The ECC experts have now introduced a new service for these consultants: Practical ECC Training.

Practical ECC Training is aimed at consultants who have already received prior training but would like to refresh their knowledge and apply it to live business cases. The course revolves around practical application of the tool and interactive assessment of survey data. The main topics covered during the three-hour training session are project design, managing participants, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, and determining different ways to start competence consulting sessions by focusing on solutions and methods of implementation. The course participants are taken through a live analysis of a specific case study.

At first, two courses will be offered per year. The course is free for members of the Steinbeis Network.


Consultants interested in registering should write to ukc@stw.de. For a list of planned
training courses go to http://steinbeis-ukc.de/schulung.

Moritz Tzschenscher
Steinbeis Headquarters (Stuttgart)